By Alterations Team on Friday, 21 July 2017
Category: Alterations Boutique

Get the right fit

There’s nothing that pains us more than seeing an outfit which is ill-fitted to the person wearing it. It’s not all about the quality of the garment you’re wearing it’s mostly about how it fits the individual. Individual being the key word, each person has a different body type form the next, we are not all one-size. However, we have the solution, with a few alterations to any off-the-rack garment we can alter them to compliment your body type rather than negate it. Let our tailors loose to work their wonders, you will be surprised with the transformation. Let’s look at a few popular garments to get altered and what can be achieved.

The most popular garment around wedding season to alter is in fact not the wedding dress but the bridesmaid dress. This is due to several dresses often being purchased together as a set for the bridesmaids but inevitably they all have varying body-types leading to an unflattering fit for some. In sight of the expenditure of a whole wedding, a few adjustments to several dresses is a drop in the bucket which can make a huge splash regarding the happiness of the bridesmaids on the big day. Speak to one of our master tailors today to discuss bridesmaid dress alterations and book an appointment.

Our second most popular service around wedding season is wedding dress alterations. This is the day that people want to look and feel as though they’re dressed to perfection. A way of ensuring this is to have your measurements taken and your dress altered to fit, it’s a massive way to relieve some stress around what is already a stressful period. Whether your wedding dress is delicate and intricate design, or covered in beads and embellishments we have the expertise to alter or even re-style your dress. We can even safeguard your garments until the wedding day to minimise any chances of his-haps. Contact our seamstresses today to discuss what can be achieved.

Another popular alteration service we are called upon for is shirt alterations, this is very popular all year round due to the diverse nature of a shirt, which accompanies so many different outfits. As a man looking to have only a few garments altered if you have to pick one pick your favourite shirt. We offer a personalised service and will work on your shirt for as long as it is required to make your Shirt perfect. We focus on your needs and work with you on a one-to-one basis. It’s astonishing what a few shirt alterations make to the impression a shirt can make.

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